I am more than my body
2023, Cornerstone Press
Text design for a book on adopting a body-neutral approach by Bethany C. Meyers. ​​​​​​
I employed the typefaces from the cover design, Futura and Apparel, to create a cohesive style for the book. Maintaining a classic typeface for the body text to ensure easy reading, the display type pairing appeared primarily on chapter openers. I styled these on a tinted background to make navigating the book easy and to give a bold feeling to the book, reinforcing the positive messaging of the text. I also brought in Apparel for other feature elements in the book, such as headings and box text, to lighten the tone and appeal to the intended readership as an affirmative, easy to pick up and put down book, rather than a heavy read.
Paperback, 198 x 135 mm, 240 pp

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